Risk zones within the clinic

Risk zones within the clinic

Low risk

The main criteria to designate an area in a veterinary clinic as “low risk” is the low likelihood of exposure to infectious disease. Low contamination risk areas include: the offices, pharmacy, warehouse, hallways, and service areas. Low to intermediate level disinfection is recommended on at least a weekly basis in these areas.

Use of a cleaner followed by a disinfectant is ideal, however, in these low risk areas, use of a single product with both cleaning and disinfection properties such as Clinicide, BioSentry® 904 or Virkon® may be adequate on most days. This is referred to as “one-step cleaning and disinfection”.

Intermediate risk

Intermediate risk areas are where there is no known infectious disease, although an increased risk of exposure is present. These areas include: the waiting room, consultation and examination rooms, treatment and pre-operation rooms, cages, and kennels. Low to intermediate level disinfection is recommended on at least a daily basis in these areas.

Kennels, cages, and animal handling surfaces should be disinfected between patients. A cleaning and disinfection protocol using cleaners such as Biosolve™ Plus or Biosolve™ Acid-A-Foam XL and disinfectants such as Clinicide, BioSentry® 904 or Virkon® is recommended.


High risk

High risk areas are where vulnerable, sick or contagious animals are present, or where there is high traffic with contaminated footwear. These contaminated areas include: the surgical rooms, isolation rooms, and potentially consultation/examination rooms and treatment/pre-operation rooms. These areas need to be cleaned and disinfected on at least a daily basis. Kennels, cages, and animal handling surfaces should be disinfected between patients.

Cleaning and disinfection is recommended using cleaners such as Biosolve™ Plus or Biosolve™ Acid-A-Foam XL. It is recommended to disinfect with Virkon® in these high risk areas. Immediately clean and disinfect after each patient, or spill or surface contamination (urine, feces, vomit, body fluids).







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